Tom Arma\'s Crittercam and blog with baby photographer Tom Arma and babies dressed as animals


 Potted yellow cactus flower blooming in the desert southwest

I bought this beauty at the Desert Museum in Tucson.

This picture is  the desktop image I use on my computer. I bought this Echinopsis, possibly a hybrid, soon after I moved from New York to Arizona. I’m pretty sure I picked it up at the Desert Museum, but then again it could have been Walmart. Ed Bartlett from the Tucson Cactus&Succulent Society, was kind enough to help me with the ID. It was a housewarming present to myself. For years it sat just outside the veranda, barren of blooms, looking forelorn until late last May, and then wow, what spectacular flowers. Each only only lasted for one day, but for that day they were the most spectacular blooms in my garden.

Cacti are survivors. A Fishhook barrel cactus (Ferocactus wislizenii ) like this one growing in my yard below, was said to live for 6 years after being taken out of the ground! It used 24 lbs. of stored water to live that long. They can , even in the dry Sonoran Desert, live up to 130 yrs. They have a tendency to lean toward the sun, and once in a while, they will just fall over .They are somewhat shallow rooted. More fun facts here.

Reddish orange blooms of the Fishhook barrel cactus

This Fishhook barrel cactus cactus has just started to bloom.


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